Daniel Brevick - "Dream Big – Live Black"

Daniel Brevick - "Dream Big – Live Black" artwork for Art Connects Us

About the artwork

We are clearly not where we need to be. Social justice will eventually take the day, and stupidity will sink into the ground. To live Black is to know where you came from, to know where you are and to know where you are going. If you’re not Black to live Black means you will bury stupidity as quickly as you see it.

Let’s keep fighting. Let’s dream big.

Meet the artist

Daniel Brevick
I’m an artist, photographer, peacemaker. I apply the arts to affect positive change in myself and hope to motivate others. Art can tell stories, and a well-told story brings awareness. Sometimes change. Commercial art is about communication. Fine art moves free from practical considerations, allowing personal exploration and expression. Combining them creates a unique voice.

To learn more about Daniel Brevick, visit www.Black.Studio.

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