Gallery Exhibit

Avivo Artworks

December 15 - March 11

The Sidewalk Gallery

mouse Avivo Art

Minneapolis-based nonprofit Avivo serves nearly 15,000 Minnesotans each year, helping them achieve recovery, employment and economic advancement. Founded in 1960, Avivo provides chemical and mental health services, housing support, career education and employment counseling. Avivo specializes in helping individuals and families who face personal or systemic barriers—poverty, homelessness, joblessness, chemical addiction or mental health concerns—achieve recovery and economic stability.

ArtWorks, a program of Avivo, has been supporting artists living with mental illness since 2004. Avivo’s multi-faceted art studio and programming is a specialized service that assists individuals who are seeking space to make art, receive peer support, build skills and access larger art career resources. In addition, Avivo organizes public projects that challenge stigma and raise mental health awareness. Avivo ArtWorks has previously exhibited with Soo Visual Arts Center, Augsburg College, Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, Hennepin County Library and the Minneapolis Institute of Art.

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