Kristine Heykants

"It's the People" banner featuring Shari Aronson of Z Puppets. Portrait by Kristine Heykants.

"It's the People" artist Kristine HeykantsKristine Heykants is a digital media artist with a curiosity about the influence of patriarchal traditions on women’s lives. She has long used varying genres of photography to examine gender roles and their presentation in history, religion and the media, as she seeks to provide a counterpoint to the mainstream narrative. Whether composing a portrait in an evocative location or in the studio, she centers the stories of her subjects as community members while underscoring the realism of contemporary life.




About the Subject: 

Shari Aronson is co-founder and creative director of Z Puppets Rosenschnoz. In their 25-year history, Z Puppets has performed at premier Twin Cities venues including Children’s Theatre Company, In The Heart of the Beast Puppet & Mask Theatre, Walker Arts Center, Mill City Museum and theaters around the country.

Z Puppets’ vision statement clearly addresses the creation of interconnection of individuals, opening the doors for a “Network of Mutuality” while contributing to the community. They write:

“Through playfulness and laughter, we catalyze transformations big and small, for individuals and groups by instigating a return to innocence. However ephemeral, we believe this innocence is an essential state of being for building a sense of connection across individuals – plus a critical element of resilience, problem-solving and survival.”

Z Puppets Rosenschnoz INSTAGRAM


Behind the scenes photos

Artist, Kristine Heykants, poses with Z Puppets crew. Kristine Heykants takes photos of a member of Z Puppet's crew.A member of Z Puppets crew poses with a hand puppet.