Jane Nicolo - "Gloves On"

Jane Nicolo - "Gloves On" artwork for Art Connects Us

About the artwork

This design communicates a “Gloves On” analogy. Boxers wear gloves in the ring, but, in this case, healthcare and other essential workers wear gloves, while they fight, on our behalf, to keep us all safe and healthy, and provide us with the necessary supplies for living. Gloved hands make a heart, demonstrating the love, respect, and appreciation we have for all essential workers. The design was done digitally, but relies on hand-rendered lettering, amplifying the human aspect of the situation.

Meet the artist

Jane Nicolo
I am a multidisciplinary artist and designer. The common thread in all of my work is the creation of a visual message. My artwork is rooted in realism, but often deconstructed into abstracted and conceptual aesthetics. My unique perspective stems from my early background in design and illustration, which permeates both the fine art and handcrafted designs that I create.

To learn more about Jane Nicolo, follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

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